Foreword by The Knight of Glin
This, the twelfth volume of the Irish Architectural and Decorative Studies, was launched at the No. 1 Pery Square hotel in Limerick, next door to the Georgian house preserved by the Limerick Civic Trust. In this context, it is sad to note the recent death of Denis Leonard who did so much to save this fine example of domestic architecture, and, indeed, so much else in the city of Limerick. His enthusiasm and commitment will be long remembered.
As usual, there is great variety to the contents of the Journal, which reflects its deliberately wide scope, from architecture, painting, sculpture and the decorative arts to patronage, travel and history of demesnes. As often, one of the themes running through the articles is, perhaps surprisingly, a fluid tale of migration – of individuals, styles and motifs. We have the sad story of a Mayo artist and an American poet on Capri, the monument in Florence to the Italian architect of Castletown; the French goldsmiths of Dublin, and the influence of the antiquities of Asia Minor and Iberia on Ireland. Highly appropriate, given our launch in the city, is the piece by Judith Hill on Plassey House just outside Limerick, which commemorates and Indian battle and is now owned by the University of Limerick.
This is the last of the issues to be edited by William Laffan, to whom I, and the Society, are very much indebted. I am very pleased to announce that Conor Lucey has agreed to take over as editor. Dr. Lucey, who lectures at University College Dublin and at National College of Art & Design, was awarded the Desmond Guinness scholarship in 2005, and has already served on the editorial board of the Journal. His study of Michael Stapleton, published by the Churchill House Press, was acclaimed by my old friend John Harris – praise indeed! Dr. Lucey is founding editor of the new journal Artefact, as is contributing to the new Art and Architecture of Ireland, Vol. IV (Royal Irish Academey) as well as other forthcoming publications. We are delighted that a young scholar of his calibre has agreed to take over the reins.
Several forthcoming publications and events might be flagged, in particular two collections of essays. One, The Eighteenth Century Dublin Town House, is edited by Christine Casey, who is organising a seminar on stuccowork in Trinity College Dublin in April 2010. In addition, Lynda Mulvin is editing a volume on neoclassicism, which will be of great interest to members of the society. In early summer, the remarkable photographs by Patrick Prendergast of Irish country house interiors will be on show at the Irish Architectural Archive in Merrion Square. Twenty years ago, at the behest of Lord Belmore, Prendergast travelled around Ireland photographing houses still in the possession of the families of the builders. This resulted in an archive of some 2,000 intimate ‘behind the scenes’ shots of the Irish Big House, a selection of which will be on show. Having seen these photographs, I know that they will be a revelation to all those interested in the topic.
In difficult economic times, which the Society feels acutely, it is pleasing to welcome the happy diversion that the erudite contents of this Journal offer. However, the scholarship that the Journal embodies also has a very serious purpose which goes to the heart of the Society. The understanding of Ireland’s past is manifested in her art, architecture and material culture must permeate our activities and inform our decision making processes. Despite its manifest importance, it is proving increasingly difficult to attract funding for this Journal, though I am extremely grateful to the Esmé Mitchell Trust and the late Sir Alfred Beit’s Apollo Foundation for very welcome grants. I ask that members and supporters to all that you can to help this invaluable publication by subscribing and encouraging others to do so.
Frederick O’Dwyer:- Robert West, Christopher Myers and St. James’s church, Whitehaven
Philip McEvansoneya:- New Light on he artistic and personal aspects of the second version of ‘The Last Circuit of the Pilgrims at Clonmacnoise’ by George Petrie
Livia Hurley:- Wiliam Burton Conyngham’s antiquarian tour of the Iberian Peninsula, 1883-84
Terence Dooley:- Castle Hyde and the Great Famine, 1845-51
Brendan Rooney:- The painter and the poet: Michael George Brennan (1839-71) and Laura Catherine Redden (1839-1923)
Judith Hill:- The several incarnations of Plassey: Plassey House, University of Limerick
Lynda Mulvin:- Charles Robert Cockrell’s encounter with Ireland: drawings, observations and buildings
Jessica Cunningham:- Dublin’s Hugenot goldsmiths, 1690-1750: assimilation and divergence
Tom Dunne:- Sensibility and the sublime in the storm paintings of Thomas Roberts (1748-77)
Michael McCarthy:- The monument to Alessandro Galilei in S. Croce in Florence, 1737
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Old Connaught House, Shankill, Co. Dublin is a plain eighteenth century house that was embellished during Victorian times with the addition of a single storey portico consisting of four pairs of Ionic columns and a conservatory at one end of the house since removed. It was a property of the Gore family and subsequently the Plunket family. Sir Walter Scott visited the house in 1825 and stayed there for a time. Some eighteenth century interior features remain and the building has of late been converted into several apartments. Some of the estate features are currently being restored.
More information on Old Connaught House can be had from the Peter Pearson's book "Between the Mountains and the Sea" a revised edition of which was published in 2007 and that has attracted wide praise.
The painting is a wonderful representation of the house and was done by Geraldine O'Riordan for the winner of the Irish Georgian Society Reffle 2009. I am sure that the winner is delighted with his painting and the Cork Chapter of the society is very grateful to Geraldine for her imagination in coming up with the concept, designing the raffle tickets and promoting the idea as a fundraiser for the society.
Geraldine's online portfolio can be viewed on
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
West Cork Saturday 12th September 2009
The Cork Chapter organised a memorable trip to West Cork on Saturday, 12th September 2009. St Fachtna's Church of Ireland Cathedral, Rosscarbery, was first on our itinerary. We were welcomed by the Dean of St Fachtna's, The Very Revd. Christopher Peters. The walls of the cathedral are adorned by important family memorials as well as an early 18th century Royal Coat of Arms of George II. Dean Peters traced the cathedral's illustrious origins in a lively and compelling fashion, from the arrival of St Fachtna to the building's recent restoration. We then headed for Bantry Bay and to the outer hall of Bantry House, where we were welcomed by Brigitte, wife of the owner of the house, Egerton Shelswell-White. We admired the furniture and family portraits that grace the fine suite of rooms in the house. Members enjoyed lunch in the Loggia and savoured the superb views of the bay. Finally, we arrived on the peninsula of Castletownbere, to Dunboy Castle, with its "skyline of steep roofs, tall chimneys and a sensational hall". We then repaired to the Mill Cove Gallery for some refreshments before the long journey home. Our grateful thanks are extended to Kevin Hurley who organised this event.
Ennismore & Collins Barracks Friday 30th October 2009
Early on a very wet Friday morning (30th October), a group of members met at Ennismore in the north eastern suburbs of Cork City. Dr. Alicia St. Leger our Hon. Secretary provided a brief history of the house. It was associated with the Leycester family and is now St. Dominic’s Retreat Centre. Following refreshments, the group moved on to Collins Barracks, where we were greeted by the curators, Mr. Jim Horgan and Mr. Paddy Cremin who led us to the nearby garrison church with stained glass windows by Evie Hone. Thanks to Geraldine O’Riordan who organised the outing.
Christmas Party at the Customs House Saturday 28th November 2009
The Christmas Party was held in the Port of Cork (formerly Cork Harbour Commissioners) offices at the Customs House. Dr. Alicia St. Leger outlined the history of customs houses in Cork, particularly the present attractive building which opened in 1818. The group admired the wonderful elegance of the Boardroom with its stunning plasterwork, designed in 1906 which compliments perfectly the original part of the building which was designed by Abraham Hargraves. Following a short tour, Catherine Fitzmaurice and Kevin Hurley presented an illustrated review of some of the Cork Chapter’s successful activities in 2009. John Holohan gave a talk on current developments and future plans and the morning concluded with refreshments, co-ordinated by Maura Currivan and including delicious mince pies brought by Myrtle Allen. Thanks are due to Geraldine O’Riordan who organised the event.
The Cork Chapter organised a memorable trip to West Cork on Saturday, 12th September 2009. St Fachtna's Church of Ireland Cathedral, Rosscarbery, was first on our itinerary. We were welcomed by the Dean of St Fachtna's, The Very Revd. Christopher Peters. The walls of the cathedral are adorned by important family memorials as well as an early 18th century Royal Coat of Arms of George II. Dean Peters traced the cathedral's illustrious origins in a lively and compelling fashion, from the arrival of St Fachtna to the building's recent restoration. We then headed for Bantry Bay and to the outer hall of Bantry House, where we were welcomed by Brigitte, wife of the owner of the house, Egerton Shelswell-White. We admired the furniture and family portraits that grace the fine suite of rooms in the house. Members enjoyed lunch in the Loggia and savoured the superb views of the bay. Finally, we arrived on the peninsula of Castletownbere, to Dunboy Castle, with its "skyline of steep roofs, tall chimneys and a sensational hall". We then repaired to the Mill Cove Gallery for some refreshments before the long journey home. Our grateful thanks are extended to Kevin Hurley who organised this event.
Ennismore & Collins Barracks Friday 30th October 2009
Early on a very wet Friday morning (30th October), a group of members met at Ennismore in the north eastern suburbs of Cork City. Dr. Alicia St. Leger our Hon. Secretary provided a brief history of the house. It was associated with the Leycester family and is now St. Dominic’s Retreat Centre. Following refreshments, the group moved on to Collins Barracks, where we were greeted by the curators, Mr. Jim Horgan and Mr. Paddy Cremin who led us to the nearby garrison church with stained glass windows by Evie Hone. Thanks to Geraldine O’Riordan who organised the outing.
Christmas Party at the Customs House Saturday 28th November 2009
The Christmas Party was held in the Port of Cork (formerly Cork Harbour Commissioners) offices at the Customs House. Dr. Alicia St. Leger outlined the history of customs houses in Cork, particularly the present attractive building which opened in 1818. The group admired the wonderful elegance of the Boardroom with its stunning plasterwork, designed in 1906 which compliments perfectly the original part of the building which was designed by Abraham Hargraves. Following a short tour, Catherine Fitzmaurice and Kevin Hurley presented an illustrated review of some of the Cork Chapter’s successful activities in 2009. John Holohan gave a talk on current developments and future plans and the morning concluded with refreshments, co-ordinated by Maura Currivan and including delicious mince pies brought by Myrtle Allen. Thanks are due to Geraldine O’Riordan who organised the event.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Collecting books on Irish Architecture – A work in progress: Kevin Hurley
‘Ireland Observed’ © 1970, 1980 was the first book on Irish buildings that I ever bought and this book sent me on my journey of discovery of Irish Architecture. It was a joint publication by Maurice Craig and the Knight of Glin both of whom are well know in the field of architecture and art respectively.
A book shop that did well from my early purchases was Wm. Egan & Sons (now Jack n’Jones/Vero Moda) of St. Patrick Street, Cork and was source of many of my purchases in my early days of collecting. The first book purchase in Egan’s was ‘The Houses of Ireland’ © 1975 by Brian DeBreffny & George Mott which is a very good overview of the development of the Irish house from earliest times to the early twentieth century.
I soon followed this up with ‘Irish Houses & Castles’ © 1971, 1980 by Desmond Guinness & William Ryan a lavishly illustrated volume of houses and their collections many of which are now dispersed. Uniquely it also shows the floor plans of the buildings which is very useful indeed though has never been repeated in later similar books. This volume contains very good images of Powerscourt House, Co. Wicklow that was destroyed by fire in 1974. Egan’s was doing well with all my purchases and another acquisition was ‘Irish Art & Architecture’ © 1978 by Peter Harbison, Homan Potterton & Jeananne Sheehy which presents surveys on art, architecture and archaeological remains from earliest times right through to the present time. Subsequent publications included ‘Irish Castles’ and ‘Irish Churches & Abbeys’ and all these volumes were published by Thames & Hudson.
The subject of the Irish Country Houses is addressed specifically in one of the finest endeavours in the field of Irish Architecture especially ‘Country Houses’ with the first volume of a projected multi-volume series covering Ireland and the United Kingdom ‘Burke’s Guide to Country Houses – Volume I Ireland’ © 1978 by Mark Bence-Jones was the first volume and probably the best. My first meeting with this volume was seeing it in the window of Egan’s and it was open with the illustration of the long demolished baroque mansion house “Summerhill House”, Co. Meath. This was certainly a revelation as I had never heard of this house and soon I made my way upstairs to the bookshop on the first-floor, oh what excitement! This was a volume I certainly had to have no matter what the cost. It featured houses long demolished or others I had never heard of and was full of atmospheric photographs of people, cars and other forms of transport long vanished. This remains one of my favourite books and I still dip into it every now and then when researching country houses or planning visits. It has a wonderful introduction to the development of the country house architecture and an excellent bibliography. This led me to join the ‘Irish Georgian Society’ and discover articles about country house architecture in ‘Country Life’ magazine. Certainly it was one of those seminal books and spurred my further research into the field of the Irish Country House.
Another series covering Irish Architecture is the Pevsner series the ‘Buildings of Ireland’ which saw the first volume ‘North West Ulster’ © 1979 by Alaistair Rowan being followed by ‘North Leinster’ © 1995 and ‘Dublin’ © 2005 being the current volume. More volumes are in preparation and I hope that the projected nine volumes will be published before I am cold in my grave.
Country Houses also feature in the series by the Ballinakella Press and to date volumes covering County Clare, Kerry, North Cork and Wexford have been published with more planned in the future.
Maurice Craig has a wonderful writing style and he could make any subject interesting, when it comes to architecture it is hard to beat ‘Classic Irish Houses of The Middle Size’ that was recently reprinted in paperback. Another Craig book that has been reprinted many times is ‘Dublin 1660-1860’ and just as interesting as one would expect and for a chronological study of Irish architecture then there is no better than ‘The Architecture of Ireland from Earliest times to 1880’. Another book on Dublin buildings is ‘Georgian Dublin’ by Desmond Guinness. Victorian architecture which was often dismissed without a second thought is brought to life by Jeremy Williams through his research, writing and lively drawings in his book ‘Architecture in Ireland 1837-1921’ which was published in 1994 and it would be great to have an updated version at some stage.
The bulletin of the Irish Georgian Society also featured articles on Irish Art and Architecture and its successor ‘Irish Architectural and Decorative Studies’. Of course the ‘Irish Arts Review’ always has an interesting article on Irish architecture historical or contemporary.
The County Archaeological Series published by the OPW usually stops at the end of the seventeenth century and so doesn’t cover country houses. However, in the case of the County Cork volumes they include a representative sample of post 1700 buildings such as ‘country houses, market houses and churches.
Lately the NIAH (National Inventory of Architectural Heritage) guides that cover nearly all the country and these are attractive and inexpensive guides to the architecture of each county from about the seventeenth century to the present. It is a representative survey that has a very good online record of every building surveyed and this can be accessed by the unique record number of every building. The only problem is that if you don’t know the record number or the town-land you have to trawl through the entire listing of the county to find the building you are interested in.
If I was given a choice to take one book to a desert island I would find it very hard to decide between my two favourite books ‘A Guide to Irish Country Houses’ (Bence-Jones) and ‘Classic Irish Houses of the Middle Size’ (Craig).
That’s all folks, more thoughts later………….
‘Ireland Observed’ © 1970, 1980 was the first book on Irish buildings that I ever bought and this book sent me on my journey of discovery of Irish Architecture. It was a joint publication by Maurice Craig and the Knight of Glin both of whom are well know in the field of architecture and art respectively.
A book shop that did well from my early purchases was Wm. Egan & Sons (now Jack n’Jones/Vero Moda) of St. Patrick Street, Cork and was source of many of my purchases in my early days of collecting. The first book purchase in Egan’s was ‘The Houses of Ireland’ © 1975 by Brian DeBreffny & George Mott which is a very good overview of the development of the Irish house from earliest times to the early twentieth century.
I soon followed this up with ‘Irish Houses & Castles’ © 1971, 1980 by Desmond Guinness & William Ryan a lavishly illustrated volume of houses and their collections many of which are now dispersed. Uniquely it also shows the floor plans of the buildings which is very useful indeed though has never been repeated in later similar books. This volume contains very good images of Powerscourt House, Co. Wicklow that was destroyed by fire in 1974. Egan’s was doing well with all my purchases and another acquisition was ‘Irish Art & Architecture’ © 1978 by Peter Harbison, Homan Potterton & Jeananne Sheehy which presents surveys on art, architecture and archaeological remains from earliest times right through to the present time. Subsequent publications included ‘Irish Castles’ and ‘Irish Churches & Abbeys’ and all these volumes were published by Thames & Hudson.
The subject of the Irish Country Houses is addressed specifically in one of the finest endeavours in the field of Irish Architecture especially ‘Country Houses’ with the first volume of a projected multi-volume series covering Ireland and the United Kingdom ‘Burke’s Guide to Country Houses – Volume I Ireland’ © 1978 by Mark Bence-Jones was the first volume and probably the best. My first meeting with this volume was seeing it in the window of Egan’s and it was open with the illustration of the long demolished baroque mansion house “Summerhill House”, Co. Meath. This was certainly a revelation as I had never heard of this house and soon I made my way upstairs to the bookshop on the first-floor, oh what excitement! This was a volume I certainly had to have no matter what the cost. It featured houses long demolished or others I had never heard of and was full of atmospheric photographs of people, cars and other forms of transport long vanished. This remains one of my favourite books and I still dip into it every now and then when researching country houses or planning visits. It has a wonderful introduction to the development of the country house architecture and an excellent bibliography. This led me to join the ‘Irish Georgian Society’ and discover articles about country house architecture in ‘Country Life’ magazine. Certainly it was one of those seminal books and spurred my further research into the field of the Irish Country House.
Another series covering Irish Architecture is the Pevsner series the ‘Buildings of Ireland’ which saw the first volume ‘North West Ulster’ © 1979 by Alaistair Rowan being followed by ‘North Leinster’ © 1995 and ‘Dublin’ © 2005 being the current volume. More volumes are in preparation and I hope that the projected nine volumes will be published before I am cold in my grave.
Country Houses also feature in the series by the Ballinakella Press and to date volumes covering County Clare, Kerry, North Cork and Wexford have been published with more planned in the future.
Maurice Craig has a wonderful writing style and he could make any subject interesting, when it comes to architecture it is hard to beat ‘Classic Irish Houses of The Middle Size’ that was recently reprinted in paperback. Another Craig book that has been reprinted many times is ‘Dublin 1660-1860’ and just as interesting as one would expect and for a chronological study of Irish architecture then there is no better than ‘The Architecture of Ireland from Earliest times to 1880’. Another book on Dublin buildings is ‘Georgian Dublin’ by Desmond Guinness. Victorian architecture which was often dismissed without a second thought is brought to life by Jeremy Williams through his research, writing and lively drawings in his book ‘Architecture in Ireland 1837-1921’ which was published in 1994 and it would be great to have an updated version at some stage.
The bulletin of the Irish Georgian Society also featured articles on Irish Art and Architecture and its successor ‘Irish Architectural and Decorative Studies’. Of course the ‘Irish Arts Review’ always has an interesting article on Irish architecture historical or contemporary.
The County Archaeological Series published by the OPW usually stops at the end of the seventeenth century and so doesn’t cover country houses. However, in the case of the County Cork volumes they include a representative sample of post 1700 buildings such as ‘country houses, market houses and churches.
Lately the NIAH (National Inventory of Architectural Heritage) guides that cover nearly all the country and these are attractive and inexpensive guides to the architecture of each county from about the seventeenth century to the present. It is a representative survey that has a very good online record of every building surveyed and this can be accessed by the unique record number of every building. The only problem is that if you don’t know the record number or the town-land you have to trawl through the entire listing of the county to find the building you are interested in.
If I was given a choice to take one book to a desert island I would find it very hard to decide between my two favourite books ‘A Guide to Irish Country Houses’ (Bence-Jones) and ‘Classic Irish Houses of the Middle Size’ (Craig).
That’s all folks, more thoughts later………….
Dunkettle House
Kilcooley Abbey Co. Tipperary
Crosshaven House, Gortgrenane House (ruin) and Knocknamanagh House
Ardigeen Lawn Tennis Club Timoleague and Church of Ireland
Knight of Glin lecture 'Collecting Irish Paintings' Crawford Gallery
Islanmore House, Kilpeacon House Co. Limerick
Traditional Building Skills Exhibition and Walking Tours
Capoquin House, Tourin House and Dromana Co. Waterford
Honan Chapel, The Glucksman and The Quad University College Cork
Skiddy’s Almshouses, Cork Civic Trust House and 50 Pope’s Quay
Skibbereen Heritage Centre, Famine Pits and Hollybrook House
Carker, Laurentinum, Springfort Hall (Lunch), Doneraile Court and Creagh Castle
Youghal and Ballynatray House
National AGM Cork Old Waterworks Lee Road
New CIT Naval College and Haulbowline Naval Base
Bride Park Cottages
Riverstown House, Ballyvolane (Lunch), Castlelyons Mausoleum and Kilshannig House
Blarney House
The Irish Georgian Society A Celebration - Book Launch at Crawford Gallery
Ringmahon House and St. Michaels Church of Ireland Blackrock
Borris House and the former Bishop’s Palace Kilkenny for Journal Launch
Screening of Elizabeth Bowen’s ‘Last September’ at Killinardrish House
Tarbert House, Glin Castle (Lunch) and Churchill House, Co. Kerry
St. Peters Church of Ireland, Castle Bernard (Ruin) and Castle Farm
Rosscarbery Church of Ireland, Bantry House (Lunch) and Dunboy Castle
Collins Barracks and Ennismore House
Christmas Party at the Customs House
Screening of Barry Lyndon at Kilbrogan House Bandon
Dunkettle House
Kilcooley Abbey Co. Tipperary
Crosshaven House, Gortgrenane House (ruin) and Knocknamanagh House
Ardigeen Lawn Tennis Club Timoleague and Church of Ireland
Knight of Glin lecture 'Collecting Irish Paintings' Crawford Gallery
Islanmore House, Kilpeacon House Co. Limerick
Traditional Building Skills Exhibition and Walking Tours
Capoquin House, Tourin House and Dromana Co. Waterford
Honan Chapel, The Glucksman and The Quad University College Cork
Skiddy’s Almshouses, Cork Civic Trust House and 50 Pope’s Quay
Skibbereen Heritage Centre, Famine Pits and Hollybrook House
Carker, Laurentinum, Springfort Hall (Lunch), Doneraile Court and Creagh Castle
Youghal and Ballynatray House
National AGM Cork Old Waterworks Lee Road
New CIT Naval College and Haulbowline Naval Base
Bride Park Cottages
Riverstown House, Ballyvolane (Lunch), Castlelyons Mausoleum and Kilshannig House
Blarney House
The Irish Georgian Society A Celebration - Book Launch at Crawford Gallery
Ringmahon House and St. Michaels Church of Ireland Blackrock
Borris House and the former Bishop’s Palace Kilkenny for Journal Launch
Screening of Elizabeth Bowen’s ‘Last September’ at Killinardrish House
Tarbert House, Glin Castle (Lunch) and Churchill House, Co. Kerry
St. Peters Church of Ireland, Castle Bernard (Ruin) and Castle Farm
Rosscarbery Church of Ireland, Bantry House (Lunch) and Dunboy Castle
Collins Barracks and Ennismore House
Christmas Party at the Customs House
Screening of Barry Lyndon at Kilbrogan House Bandon
Saturday, March 6, 2010
On Sunday 28th February 2010 a film screening of Barry Lyndon was hosted at Kilbrogan House which is a fine early nineteenth century Georgian house circa 1818, situated in Bandon and owned by our committee member Catherine FitzMaurice to whom we are grateful for both organising and hosting the event. Cork Chapter member Kevin Hurley presented a short biography of W.M. Thackeray and an overview of the novel and how the film differs from it. Cork Chapter members brought cakes and sandwiches for those attending to enjoy during the intermission. Catherine and her brother David oversaw the transformation of their home to a cinema in order to accommodate the forty or so viewers and David kept the members supplied with tea and coffee ably assisted by members of the Cork Chapter committee.
W.M. Thackeray (1811-1863) a novelist and journalist was born in Calcutta and in 1817he was sent to England to be educated as a gentleman. From Charterhouse school, he was sent to Cambridge in 1829. He married imprudently and tragically his wife went mad, leaving him to care for her and his two daughters. Barry Lyndon was first published in 1844. In later years he suffered from ill-health and he died suddenly in December 1863. His wife Isabella Shawe-Creagh of Doneraile survived him by thirty one years and died in 1894.
Although Barry Lyndon was released in 1975 it was only a modest commercial success at the time, and had a mixed critical reception, in recent years it has come to be regarded not only as one of Stanley Kubrick's finest films, but also as a classic of world cinema. Much of Barry Lyndon was filmed in Ireland at Huntingdon Castle, Kells Priory, Cahir Castle; Waterford Castle grounds, the hall and saloon of Powerscourt Co. Wicklow (now destroyed) and Dublin Castle. The second half of the film moved to England and locations include: Blenheim; Castle Howard; Dunrobin Castle; Wilton (Double cube room) Stourhead gardens; Corsham Court and Dodington Park.
THE NOVEL ‘Barry Lyndon’
The novel was first serialized as The Luck of Barry Lyndon in Frazer’s Magazine in 1844 and subsequently revised and reprinted in two volumes as The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon in 1852. It is set in the eighteenth century and presents itself as the autobiography of an Irish adventurer whose boastful accounts of his exploits serve only to reveal the extent of his villainy. Redmond Barry of Brady’s Town fights a duel and escapes to Dublin, where he changes his name to Barry Redmond, lives a fast life and falls into debt (as had happened Thackeray while at Cambridge).
He enlists as a soldier and fights on both sides in the Seven Years War, eventually meeting up with his lost uncle, Cornelius Barry, who as the Chevalier de Balibari joins with Barry in a career of card-sharpening. After various adventures abroad, he lays siege to a wealthy widow, the Countess of Lyndon. He changes his name to Barry Lyndon and embarks on a career of extravagance, ill-treating his wife, bullying his step-son and ruining a fine family fortune. When his son Bryan is killed in a riding accident, his luck changes, and the family regains control of the estate and Barry is forced to live abroad on a pension. With the death of Lady Lyndon (his pension is cancelled) and he becomes penniless, ends his life in the Fleet prison tended by his faithful mother.
BARRY LYNDON THE FILM (differs from the novel)
I. By What Means Redmond Barry Acquired the Style and Title of Barry Lyndon.
In the opening scene, set in 1750s Ireland, the father of Irishman Redmond Barry (Ryan O'Neal) is killed in a duel over the sale of some horses. This detail is related by the film's narrator, who comments ironically on the events that transpire. The widow, disdaining offers of marriage, devotes herself to the raising of her son.
Location: Huntingdon Castle & Waterford Castle
When Barry is a young man, he falls in love with his cousin, Nora Brady. She likes him well enough to seduce him, but when the well-off English Captain John Quin appears on the scene, the poverty-stricken Barry is quickly dropped. She and her whole family are set on relieving their financial difficulties with an advantageous marriage. Barry refuses to accept the situation and (seemingly) kills Quin in a duel.
Location: Kells Priory
Fleeing the law, Barry travels towards Dublin, but is robbed by a famous highwayman, Captain Feeney, and his son Seamus, leaving Barry little choice but to join the British army. Later, he is reunited with a family friend, Captain Grogan, who informs him that the duel was faked. Barry's pistol was not loaded with a real bullet, but one made with tow, and Quin had only fainted with fear.It was staged so as to get him out of the way, so the cowardly Quin could be coaxed into marrying Nora, thereby securing the family's financial situation.
Location: Cahir Castle & Powerscourt House, The Entrance Hall
Barry's regiment is sent to fight in the Seven Years' War in Europe. During one skirmish, Grogan is fatally wounded, and Barry deserts at the first opportunity, impersonating a courier. He spends a few pleasant days with Lischen, a lonely woman whose husband is away fighting. When he resumes his journey, he encounters a Prussian captain, Potzdorf, who sees through his disguise. Given the choice of joining the Prussian army or being taken for a deserter, Barry enlists in his second army. During one battle, he saves Potzdorf's life.
Location: Powerscourt House, The Saloon & Dublin Castle, Drawing Room;
Dodington Park (UK)
After the war ends in 1763, Barry is employed by the Prussian Minister of Police, Potzdorf's uncle. It is arranged for him to become the servant of the Chevalier de Balibari (Patrick Magee), a professional gambler. The Prussians suspect that he is a spy and Barry is assigned to try to determine if he is. However, when Barry finds out the chevalier is a fellow Irishman, he confesses all to him and they become confederates.
Location: Dublin Castle, Drawing Room
Barry assists the chevalier in cheating at card games, but when the Prince of Tübingen suspects the truth after losing a large sum, they are unceremoniously expelled from Prussia. They wander from place to place, cheating the nobles. Barry proves to be very useful; when a loser refuses to pay his debts, Barry's excellent swordsmanship convinces him otherwise.
Location: Powerscourt House, The Saloon
Hardened by his experiences, Barry decides to better himself by marrying well. During the course of his travels, he encounters the beautiful and wealthy Countess of Lyndon (Marisa Berenson). Barry has little difficulty seducing her, and she soon falls in love. Shortly thereafter, her sickly husband, Sir Charles Lyndon, dies.
II. Containing an Account of the Misfortunes and Disasters Which Befell Barry Lyndon.
The following year (1773), Lady Lyndon and Barry are married. Young Lord Bullingdon, Lyndon's son by Sir Charles, hates Barry from the beginning, knowing that Barry is not in love with his mother. The marriage is not a happy one, although they welcome a new son, Bryan Patrick. Barry enjoys himself and is unfaithful to his wife while keeping her in dull seclusion.
Barry brings his mother over from Ireland to live with him. She warns her son that his position is precarious. If Lady Lyndon were to die, all her wealth would go to her son Lord Bullingdon. Barry would be left penniless. Barry's mother advises him to obtain a noble title to protect himself. He cultivates the acquaintance of the influential Lord Wendover with this goal in mind, spending much money to grease his way. All this effort is wasted however.
One day, Lord Bullingdon announces his hatred of his stepfather and is beaten by Barry in front of many important guests. Bullingdon leaves the family estate after this, but Barry's public cruelty loses him all the powerful friends he has worked so hard to make and he is shunned socially.
As badly as he has treated his stepson, Barry proves to be a doting father to Bryan. However, when he is eight, the boy is thrown from a horse and soon dies. The grief-stricken Barry turns to drink, while Lady Lyndon seeks solace in religion, assisted by the Reverend Samuel Runt first to Lord Bullingdon and then to Bryan. Barry's mother dismisses Reverend Runt partly because they no longer need a tutor, partly for what she says is fear that his influence is making Lady Lyndon worse. Plunging even deeper into grief, she attempts suicide. Upon hearing of this, Lord Bullingdon returns and challenges Barry to a duel.
A coin flip gives Bullingdon the privilege of shooting first, but his pistol misfires. Barry magnanimously fires into the ground, but Bullingdon refuses to let the duel end there. He fires again, this time hitting Barry in the leg, which has to be amputated at the knee. While Barry is recovering, Bullingdon takes control of the estate. He offers his stepfather an annuity of 500 guineas if he leaves England; otherwise, with his credit exhausted his creditors will see to it that he is put in jail.
Wounded in spirit and body, Barry accepts. He goes first to Ireland with his mother, then to the European continent to resume his former profession of gambler, though without his former success. He never sees Lady Lyndon again. The final scene (set in 1789) shows the middle-aged Lady Lyndon signing Barry's annuity cheque.
W.M. Thackeray (1811-1863) a novelist and journalist was born in Calcutta and in 1817he was sent to England to be educated as a gentleman. From Charterhouse school, he was sent to Cambridge in 1829. He married imprudently and tragically his wife went mad, leaving him to care for her and his two daughters. Barry Lyndon was first published in 1844. In later years he suffered from ill-health and he died suddenly in December 1863. His wife Isabella Shawe-Creagh of Doneraile survived him by thirty one years and died in 1894.
Although Barry Lyndon was released in 1975 it was only a modest commercial success at the time, and had a mixed critical reception, in recent years it has come to be regarded not only as one of Stanley Kubrick's finest films, but also as a classic of world cinema. Much of Barry Lyndon was filmed in Ireland at Huntingdon Castle, Kells Priory, Cahir Castle; Waterford Castle grounds, the hall and saloon of Powerscourt Co. Wicklow (now destroyed) and Dublin Castle. The second half of the film moved to England and locations include: Blenheim; Castle Howard; Dunrobin Castle; Wilton (Double cube room) Stourhead gardens; Corsham Court and Dodington Park.
THE NOVEL ‘Barry Lyndon’
The novel was first serialized as The Luck of Barry Lyndon in Frazer’s Magazine in 1844 and subsequently revised and reprinted in two volumes as The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon in 1852. It is set in the eighteenth century and presents itself as the autobiography of an Irish adventurer whose boastful accounts of his exploits serve only to reveal the extent of his villainy. Redmond Barry of Brady’s Town fights a duel and escapes to Dublin, where he changes his name to Barry Redmond, lives a fast life and falls into debt (as had happened Thackeray while at Cambridge).
He enlists as a soldier and fights on both sides in the Seven Years War, eventually meeting up with his lost uncle, Cornelius Barry, who as the Chevalier de Balibari joins with Barry in a career of card-sharpening. After various adventures abroad, he lays siege to a wealthy widow, the Countess of Lyndon. He changes his name to Barry Lyndon and embarks on a career of extravagance, ill-treating his wife, bullying his step-son and ruining a fine family fortune. When his son Bryan is killed in a riding accident, his luck changes, and the family regains control of the estate and Barry is forced to live abroad on a pension. With the death of Lady Lyndon (his pension is cancelled) and he becomes penniless, ends his life in the Fleet prison tended by his faithful mother.
BARRY LYNDON THE FILM (differs from the novel)
I. By What Means Redmond Barry Acquired the Style and Title of Barry Lyndon.
In the opening scene, set in 1750s Ireland, the father of Irishman Redmond Barry (Ryan O'Neal) is killed in a duel over the sale of some horses. This detail is related by the film's narrator, who comments ironically on the events that transpire. The widow, disdaining offers of marriage, devotes herself to the raising of her son.
Location: Huntingdon Castle & Waterford Castle
When Barry is a young man, he falls in love with his cousin, Nora Brady. She likes him well enough to seduce him, but when the well-off English Captain John Quin appears on the scene, the poverty-stricken Barry is quickly dropped. She and her whole family are set on relieving their financial difficulties with an advantageous marriage. Barry refuses to accept the situation and (seemingly) kills Quin in a duel.
Location: Kells Priory
Fleeing the law, Barry travels towards Dublin, but is robbed by a famous highwayman, Captain Feeney, and his son Seamus, leaving Barry little choice but to join the British army. Later, he is reunited with a family friend, Captain Grogan, who informs him that the duel was faked. Barry's pistol was not loaded with a real bullet, but one made with tow, and Quin had only fainted with fear.It was staged so as to get him out of the way, so the cowardly Quin could be coaxed into marrying Nora, thereby securing the family's financial situation.
Location: Cahir Castle & Powerscourt House, The Entrance Hall
Barry's regiment is sent to fight in the Seven Years' War in Europe. During one skirmish, Grogan is fatally wounded, and Barry deserts at the first opportunity, impersonating a courier. He spends a few pleasant days with Lischen, a lonely woman whose husband is away fighting. When he resumes his journey, he encounters a Prussian captain, Potzdorf, who sees through his disguise. Given the choice of joining the Prussian army or being taken for a deserter, Barry enlists in his second army. During one battle, he saves Potzdorf's life.
Location: Powerscourt House, The Saloon & Dublin Castle, Drawing Room;
Dodington Park (UK)
After the war ends in 1763, Barry is employed by the Prussian Minister of Police, Potzdorf's uncle. It is arranged for him to become the servant of the Chevalier de Balibari (Patrick Magee), a professional gambler. The Prussians suspect that he is a spy and Barry is assigned to try to determine if he is. However, when Barry finds out the chevalier is a fellow Irishman, he confesses all to him and they become confederates.
Location: Dublin Castle, Drawing Room
Barry assists the chevalier in cheating at card games, but when the Prince of Tübingen suspects the truth after losing a large sum, they are unceremoniously expelled from Prussia. They wander from place to place, cheating the nobles. Barry proves to be very useful; when a loser refuses to pay his debts, Barry's excellent swordsmanship convinces him otherwise.
Location: Powerscourt House, The Saloon
Hardened by his experiences, Barry decides to better himself by marrying well. During the course of his travels, he encounters the beautiful and wealthy Countess of Lyndon (Marisa Berenson). Barry has little difficulty seducing her, and she soon falls in love. Shortly thereafter, her sickly husband, Sir Charles Lyndon, dies.
II. Containing an Account of the Misfortunes and Disasters Which Befell Barry Lyndon.
The following year (1773), Lady Lyndon and Barry are married. Young Lord Bullingdon, Lyndon's son by Sir Charles, hates Barry from the beginning, knowing that Barry is not in love with his mother. The marriage is not a happy one, although they welcome a new son, Bryan Patrick. Barry enjoys himself and is unfaithful to his wife while keeping her in dull seclusion.
Barry brings his mother over from Ireland to live with him. She warns her son that his position is precarious. If Lady Lyndon were to die, all her wealth would go to her son Lord Bullingdon. Barry would be left penniless. Barry's mother advises him to obtain a noble title to protect himself. He cultivates the acquaintance of the influential Lord Wendover with this goal in mind, spending much money to grease his way. All this effort is wasted however.
One day, Lord Bullingdon announces his hatred of his stepfather and is beaten by Barry in front of many important guests. Bullingdon leaves the family estate after this, but Barry's public cruelty loses him all the powerful friends he has worked so hard to make and he is shunned socially.
As badly as he has treated his stepson, Barry proves to be a doting father to Bryan. However, when he is eight, the boy is thrown from a horse and soon dies. The grief-stricken Barry turns to drink, while Lady Lyndon seeks solace in religion, assisted by the Reverend Samuel Runt first to Lord Bullingdon and then to Bryan. Barry's mother dismisses Reverend Runt partly because they no longer need a tutor, partly for what she says is fear that his influence is making Lady Lyndon worse. Plunging even deeper into grief, she attempts suicide. Upon hearing of this, Lord Bullingdon returns and challenges Barry to a duel.
A coin flip gives Bullingdon the privilege of shooting first, but his pistol misfires. Barry magnanimously fires into the ground, but Bullingdon refuses to let the duel end there. He fires again, this time hitting Barry in the leg, which has to be amputated at the knee. While Barry is recovering, Bullingdon takes control of the estate. He offers his stepfather an annuity of 500 guineas if he leaves England; otherwise, with his credit exhausted his creditors will see to it that he is put in jail.
Wounded in spirit and body, Barry accepts. He goes first to Ireland with his mother, then to the European continent to resume his former profession of gambler, though without his former success. He never sees Lady Lyndon again. The final scene (set in 1789) shows the middle-aged Lady Lyndon signing Barry's annuity cheque.
Irish Georgian Society
Conserving Ireland’s Architectural Heritage
Patron: Mrs. Myrtle Allen
Further details will be published in due course
Enquiries to or Mobile: 087-9266826
Conserving Ireland’s Architectural Heritage
Patron: Mrs. Myrtle Allen
Further details will be published in due course
Enquiries to or Mobile: 087-9266826
Irish Georgian Society
Conserving Ireland’s Architectural Heritage
Patron: Mrs. Myrtle Allen
Saturday, 24th April, 2010 @ 09.45am
09.45am Meet at the car park of The Towers, Ballysaggartmore, (between Ballyduff & Lismore).
10.00am Tour of The Towers, (weather permitting)
11.30am Tour of St. Carthage’s Cathedral, Lismore by The Very Revd. Paul Draper, Dean of Lismore
1.00pm Lunch at O’Brien Chop House, Lismore
2.30pm Depart for Salterbridge House, Cappoquin
3.00pm Tour of Salterbridge House & Garden. Refreshments will be served.
The Towers: “The most extraordinary example in Ireland of a prelude to a castle that was never built…consisting of a castellated bridge and a pair of identical crenellated lodges”. (Jeremy Williams, The Architecture of Ireland © 1994.) This tour is weather permitting, will involve some walking and a good pair of practical shoes is required for this event.
St. Carthage’s Church of Ireland Cathedral “is an elaborate, monumental cathedral. The present edifice is the result of numerous phases of building and reconstruction, involving the work of a number of Ireland's pre-eminent architects, including William Robinson, Sir Richard Morrison, and James & George Richard Pain. A number of fittings, including the stained glass panels (designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones) and executed by William Morris are of particular artistic design”. (N.I.A.H., An Introduction to the Architectural Heritage of Co. Waterford © 2004)
O’Brien Chop House: The O’Brien name stands out proudly in relief above the shop-front of this old bar in the charming heritage town of Lismore, and it is wonderful to see it back in commercial action again – this time in the caring hands of Justin and Jenny Green, of nearby Ballyvolane House. Homemade and local food is at the heart of this enterprise and it’s a fair bet that the legendary butcher Michael McGrath along the street (who also supplies meats to Ballyvolane) was a major source of inspiration for bringing to West Waterford the idea of London’s old chop houses - which sold various chops, cutlets and steaks on the bone.
Salterbridge House is described as “A two storey house of 1849 built onto the front of an earlier house extending round three sides of a courtyard, enclosed on the fourth by a screen wall with an arch. The 1849 front consists of a 3 bay projecting centre, with a parapet and plain pilasters between the bays; and two storey single bay wings with eaved roofs and single-storey three sided bows”. (Mark Bence-Jones, A Guide to Irish Country Houses © 1988)
The Gate Lodge is a classically proportioned pavilion gate-lodge, which was built c.1849 by the Chearnly family, who owned the estate from the mid 18th Century until the 1950s. The lodge, though obviously in habitation in the 1930s when the Glanville family lived there, was derelict by the 1950s. Its function, like all gate-lodges, was to indicate to the passer-by the good standing and taste of the original owner, and to display some of the features of the architect's work, re-interpreted from the big house. It has been restored by the Irish Landmark Trust. See
Numbers are limited so advance booking is essential. Tickets cost €40 (members) €50 (non-members) including lunch and must be purchased in advance by completing the application form below. N.B. Full details: name, address, contact details & membership no. etc., of all persons attending the tour must be provided.
Terms & Conditions: The committee reserve the right to refuse admission to any event. No bookings accepted without payment. Attendees must provide own transport
Organised by: Kevin Hurley
Enquiries to or Mobile: 087-9266826
Conserving Ireland’s Architectural Heritage
Patron: Mrs. Myrtle Allen
Saturday, 24th April, 2010 @ 09.45am
09.45am Meet at the car park of The Towers, Ballysaggartmore, (between Ballyduff & Lismore).
10.00am Tour of The Towers, (weather permitting)
11.30am Tour of St. Carthage’s Cathedral, Lismore by The Very Revd. Paul Draper, Dean of Lismore
1.00pm Lunch at O’Brien Chop House, Lismore
2.30pm Depart for Salterbridge House, Cappoquin
3.00pm Tour of Salterbridge House & Garden. Refreshments will be served.
The Towers: “The most extraordinary example in Ireland of a prelude to a castle that was never built…consisting of a castellated bridge and a pair of identical crenellated lodges”. (Jeremy Williams, The Architecture of Ireland © 1994.) This tour is weather permitting, will involve some walking and a good pair of practical shoes is required for this event.
St. Carthage’s Church of Ireland Cathedral “is an elaborate, monumental cathedral. The present edifice is the result of numerous phases of building and reconstruction, involving the work of a number of Ireland's pre-eminent architects, including William Robinson, Sir Richard Morrison, and James & George Richard Pain. A number of fittings, including the stained glass panels (designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones) and executed by William Morris are of particular artistic design”. (N.I.A.H., An Introduction to the Architectural Heritage of Co. Waterford © 2004)
O’Brien Chop House: The O’Brien name stands out proudly in relief above the shop-front of this old bar in the charming heritage town of Lismore, and it is wonderful to see it back in commercial action again – this time in the caring hands of Justin and Jenny Green, of nearby Ballyvolane House. Homemade and local food is at the heart of this enterprise and it’s a fair bet that the legendary butcher Michael McGrath along the street (who also supplies meats to Ballyvolane) was a major source of inspiration for bringing to West Waterford the idea of London’s old chop houses - which sold various chops, cutlets and steaks on the bone.
Salterbridge House is described as “A two storey house of 1849 built onto the front of an earlier house extending round three sides of a courtyard, enclosed on the fourth by a screen wall with an arch. The 1849 front consists of a 3 bay projecting centre, with a parapet and plain pilasters between the bays; and two storey single bay wings with eaved roofs and single-storey three sided bows”. (Mark Bence-Jones, A Guide to Irish Country Houses © 1988)
The Gate Lodge is a classically proportioned pavilion gate-lodge, which was built c.1849 by the Chearnly family, who owned the estate from the mid 18th Century until the 1950s. The lodge, though obviously in habitation in the 1930s when the Glanville family lived there, was derelict by the 1950s. Its function, like all gate-lodges, was to indicate to the passer-by the good standing and taste of the original owner, and to display some of the features of the architect's work, re-interpreted from the big house. It has been restored by the Irish Landmark Trust. See
Numbers are limited so advance booking is essential. Tickets cost €40 (members) €50 (non-members) including lunch and must be purchased in advance by completing the application form below. N.B. Full details: name, address, contact details & membership no. etc., of all persons attending the tour must be provided.
Terms & Conditions: The committee reserve the right to refuse admission to any event. No bookings accepted without payment. Attendees must provide own transport
Organised by: Kevin Hurley
Enquiries to or Mobile: 087-9266826
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